Scott Disick Partied Too Hard for Bella Thorne

Scott Disick Partied Too Hard for Bella Thorne

Scott Disick’s hard partying is too much for Bella Thorne.

“Scott is really nice, sweet, charming,” the 19-year-old told Complex UK. “I don’t drink, and he really drinks a lot. And it just ended up … I just wasn’t down. I was like, ‘I gotta leave.’”

Thorne says she was in Cannes with Disick, 34, a total of a day and a half before she decided she’d had enough.

“I love to go out and have fun, I love to f–king dance, but I just don’t party hardcore like that and it was way too much for me. I was like, ‘Woah, this is not the way I live my life, bruh.”

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Bella Thorne stars in Famous in Love.