Are Scarlett Johansson and Justin Timberlake Dating?

Scarlett Johansson is pretty ticked that Ryan Reynolds seems to have moved on so quickly.

So what has she done in retaliation? It seems the Scarlett has turned to find comfort in the arms of Justin Timberlake! I thought Justin was still dating Jessica Biel??

The young up and comers are quick movers I guess. Divorce one week, new boyfriend the next!

But then it seems that Ryan and Sandra Bullock might have had something cooking pretty quickly too, so maybe he and Scarlett both had one foot already out the door to begin with.

Scarlett was made to sound like the one who broke it off, but maybe she wasn’t if she is upset about Ryan and Sandra. According to the National Enquirer:

“Scarlett was hot and heavy with Justin right before falling for Ryan, and now that Scarlett and Ryan are divorcing, Jessica is terrified the former lovers will pick up right where they left off. After all, he dated Jessica and Scarlett simultaneously at one point. Jessica’s always looked the other way and given Justin his space when he needed it. They’d be apart for a while, then get back together. But now she’s worried that’s all going to change with newly single Scarlett back in the picture.”

The Enquirer used to have a bad reputation, but they’ve been on top of some stories recently.

They nailed the whole John Edwards scandal. Weren’t they the first with Angelina Jolie’s pregnancy too?

Stay tuned, since this topic is hot and won’t die down anytime soon!!