'Saturday Night Live' Re-Does 'The Hobbit'

'Saturday Night Live' Re-Does 'The Hobbit'Saturday Night Live” was unusually well-received last weekend, due largely to its much-loved guest star, “The Hunger Games’” Jennifer Lawrence.

Also a hit on the line-up? A mock trailer for “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” dealing with the number one complaint of fans:


The movie, which was originally intended to be presented in two parts, was split into three movies. The skit makes fun of the fact that that was absolutely unnecessary, by splitting “The Hobbit” into a whopping 19 different films.

After the initial flick, fans can enjoy the next in the series: “Hobbit 2: Journey to the Beginning of the Walk to Smaug’s Lair.”

That is until Bilbo Baggins discovers he left something back at home, prompting the third in the series, “The Hobbit 3: Shoot, I Just Realized I Forgot Something Back at the Shire. Mind if We Double Back?”

How about “Hobbit 4: Apple Maps—An Unexpected Detour?”

The skits also feature Jennifer Lawrence doing a pretty great job as the Elf Queen, indecisive about her wardrobe and very particular about splitting the check.

After a while they seem to run a little low on Hobbit jokes, hence, “The infuriating ‘Hobbit 13: Gandolf Tries to Remember a Name.’”

Then a whole series of “janky” films, including “Hobbitz, Back in the Hood.”

Possibly the best of the skit are the critic reviews, including this gem from Peter Travers: “I fell asleep for 45 minutes and when I woke up, the dwarves were assembling an Ikea dresser.”

Expect the final, 19th installment, to hit theaters July of 2028.