Sarah Jessica Parker Accosted In Moscow By Amorous Bodyguard

Good help that doesn't want to make out with you is so hard to find.

Of all the people that could learn this the hard way, ask Sarah Jessica Parker. A soon-to-be-former security guard made an ass of himself recently when he decided the red carpet was the time to get down-and-dirty with the "Sex and the City" icon, according to Contact Music.

Parker was at Moscow's Bolshoi Theater promoting her new comedy "I Don't Know How She Does It" when bodyguard Oleg Donstov ripped open his shirt and leaned in for a kiss as Parker was exiting the theater.

Keep in mind of course that Parker is married and has three children with fellow actor Matthew Broderick.

Britian's Daily Record reports that video shows that Parker screamed as the amorous bodyguard accosted her. Rumor has it Donstov was in hot water with his wife when the video started circulating on national TV.

Donstov has been publicly . . . um . . . kind of, sort of apologetic?

"I shouldn't have done that as a professional but I couldn't believe Sarah Jessica Parker was there, that close to me. Home life could be even more difficult but I'll try to buy some roses and smooth things over," Donstov admitted.

No, Mr. Donstov. No. Bad dog.

You forget to take the trash out? Flowers will fix it. Forget her birthday? Flowers will be a start. Get in a fender-bender that makes you late for dinner? Get FTD on speed-dial.

You attempted to jump Sarah Jessica Parker's bones in public, with cameras all around you.

You crossed the "flowers will fix it" line the moment you publicly threw your shirt open.