Sacha Baron Cohen's Shocking Interview Turned Over to the FBI

Sacha Baron Cohen's Shocking Interview Turned Over to the FBI

Sacha Baron Cohen's main goal is to trick and humiliate politicians and public figures, but one interview from his Who Is America?? series may have exposed an actual criminal. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Sacha Baron Cohen’s hit Showtime series “Who Is America?” made headlines for duping politicians and public figures into partaking in cringeworthy, humiliating interviews, but the comedian says one interview was so troubling, it was sent to the FBI and never aired.

In an interview with Deadline, Baron Cohen said one of his characters, “Gio Monaldo,” went to Las Vegas to interview a hotel concierge at the height of the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal to figure out how the disgraced movie mogul got away with such behavior.

“During the interview, I revealed that basically Gio has molested an 8-year-old boy. Now, mind you, this is extreme comedy and we thought that the guy would leave the room,” Baron Cohen said, adding: “Instead, this concierge stays in the room … this guy starts advising Gio how to get rid of this issue.”

“We even at one point talk about murdering the boy, and the concierge is just saying, ‘Well, listen, I’m really sorry. In this country, we can’t just drown the boy. This is America we don’t do that.’ And then, in the end, he puts me in touch with a lawyer who can silence the boy.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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