Ryan Seacrest Signs Up For 2 More Years of 'American Idol' (and Many Millions of Dollars)

Ryan Seacrest Signs Up For 2 More Years of 'American Idol' (and Many Millions of Dollars) There are some things that we know to be constant when it comes to "American Idol." We know that there will be a country singer in the top 24. We know there will be a Ford Music video every damn week. We know that Randy Jackson will be there until the end of time, saying "yo" and making terrible jokes that are met with awkward silence.

What is always somewhat up in the air is the personnel on the show. We've seen Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul leave, and Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler arrive. But one figure (other than Randy) has remained: host Ryan Seacrest.

He's still doing it every year somehow, and he's now set to do it for two more: Seacrest signed a two-year deal with "American Idol" to host the show at least two more seasons. The deal netted him $30 million total, $15 million per year. That's an impressive load of cash, but it's actually the same as he has been making the past couple of years, so it looks like a pay raise wasn't in order.

And that's no surprise, really: the ratings were pretty rocky earlier in the season, as the show hasn't quite been able to match its former glory, or even the numbers revival that it saw last year.

Still, this should reassure fans: Seacrest is on for two more years, and there's no way Fox is letting its cash cow go anytime soon.