Ryan Murphy Gives Details of 'Glee' Monteith Tribute

Ryan Murphy Gives Details of 'Glee' Monteith Tribute Since the death of actor Cory Monteith, fans of "Glee" have been wondering how the series' producers will address the tragedy—and the loss of Monteith's character, Finn—on the show. This past week, the show's creator, Ryan Murphy, offered some details.

In an interview with Deadline, Murphy revealed that Finn will not die from a drug overdose as Monteith did.

"That was something we had considered," Murphy said. "But we have decided that we’re not going to have him pass from that."

Ultimately, viewers may never find out how or why Finn dies.

"The idea being," Murphy explained, "how somebody died is interesting and maybe morbid, but we say very early on in the episode, 'This episode is about a celebration of that character’s life.'”

The memorial episode was in production this week, and after the episode is complete, Murphy said that the cast and crew will take two or three weeks off "to get our heads together" before proceeding with the rest of the season. He says that the loss of Monteith has been hard on the show's cast and crew, but he says that the memorial episode is meant to acknowledge the grief of the show's fans, as well.

"We’re trying to craft an episode that’s not just about us grieving but about a lot of the young fans grieving."