'Rules of Engagement': Season 7, Episode 12: 'A Wee Problem' Recap

'Rules of Engagement': Season 7, Episode 12: 'A Wee Problem' Recap Timmy has returned to retrieve the rest of his things. Russell says he is willing to take him back, but Timmy says he has a new job which he loves.

Brenda is enormously pregnant, as Jeff and Russell tease her about her size. She admits she pees now when she laughs and has to avoid anything funny. She and Audrey head to a movie, as Jeff plots how to make her laugh.

Russell can’t help plot; he’s interviewing for a replacement for Timmy.

Adam wakes Jennifer; they’re getting married that day! Adam is nervous, but Jennifer comforts him that the small wedding will be easy and simple. Adam has a huge list of things he needs to finish doing, but they’re a bit unlikely. Like inventing a signature wedding cocktail.

Audrey and Jennifer had a schedule for a pre-wedding massage, but Jennifer decides to make Audrey take Adam instead, to relax him. No problem… until they get to the room and realize they have a couple’s massage booked, with no extra rooms. Adam strips down but Audrey is uncomfortable. Adam chats excessively, annoying Audrey. He gets booted out.

Timmy is doing very well at his super professional new job; Russell is not doing so well with interviews, unable to find anyone he likes. Jeff isn’t succeeding at making Brenda pee, either. His new jokes aren’t cutting it.

Russell hires a man in a wheelchair. Timmy calls asking for his gray cardigan and Russell has to answer his own phone. They end snippily, and Russell smells the cardigan he kept hidden away while Timmy worries that Russell, without guidance, has been hooking up with fat chicks.

The two run into each other at the diner over lunch, and refuse to admit they miss each other.

At lunch, Jeff continues to try to get Brenda to laugh, but fails… until he spills water and slips on it. She laughs but it's not just pee coming out. Her water breaks.

Adam gets the call, and runs in to tell Audrey—and calls Jennifer, who isn’t pleased Brenda is having the baby on her wedding day.