Rose McGowan Docuseries on the Way

Rose McGowan Docuseries on the Way

Former Charmed star Rose McGowan will get a platform for her activism later this winter with her own five-part documentary series on E! McGowan says viewers will be "invited into my mind and my world." If nothing else, the series from reality TV producers Bunim/Murray should be a wild trip.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

Rose McGowan, center of the "Me Too" maelstrom, is getting her own show.

The actress and activist has signed on to produce and star in a five-part documentary series for E!. Citizen Rose, which will kick off with a two-hour feature-length documentary in January, will follow her eventful life of late — which includes being among the first to call out Harvey Weinstein to her recent dismissal of Meryl Streep.

"You are formally invited into my mind and world," said McGowan. "I am thrilled to partner with E! to amplify my message of bravery, art, joy and survival. As I ready my book, Brave, I realized I wanted to show how we can heal through art even when being hounded by evil. I want to have a conversation with everyone, and most especially, you, about looking at things differently and seeing beauty everywhere. E!’s tremendous reach and impressive platform allow me to globally communicate the importance of living a brave life."

The project should bring a welcome dose of buzz to E!, which saw primetime ratings dip 18 percent in 2017. The network's last project of this nature was Caitlyn Jenner vehicle I Am Cait in 2015.

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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