Rose McGowan Attacks Kevin Spacey on Twitter

Rose McGowan Attacks Kevin Spacey on Twitter

If you're a Hollywood personality accused of sexual harassment or assault, you'd better also be prepared to be insulted by Rose McGowan on Twitter. Despite having her account suspended over earlier tweet slams, McGowan continues to attack accused harassers on the platform, this time going after Kevin Spacey in the wake of sexual harassment claims against him. After speaking up as one of the first accusers of alleged sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, McGowan has taken it upon herself to be the voice of victims.

Via Page Six.

Actress-turned-activist Rose McGowan blasted “House of Cards” star Kevin Spacey over his coming-out apology amid allegations he made a sexual advance on a 14-year-old Anthony Rapp.

“Bye bye, Spacey. Goodbye. It’s your turn to cry. That’s why we’ve gotta say goodbye,” McGowan said on Twitter, where she posted the hashtag #ROSEARMY.

She urged the media to “Keep the focus on #AnthonyRapp.”

“BE THE VICTIM’S VOICE. Help us level the playing field,” she tweeted.

McGowan also assailed Spacey’s decision to come out as gay in his apology — a move that was seen by some as an attempt to deflect attention from the sexual misconduct allegations.

“Gay = Gay Predator = Predator,” she wrote.

McGowan, 44, who accused disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of raping her in 1997, has been at the forefront of efforts to change the culture of silence around sexual abuse in Hollywood.

The 46-year-old Rapp — best known for his roles in the “Rent” movie and “Star Trek: Discovery” TV series — told BuzzFeed News about the alleged 1986 incident at a party while he and Spacey were both acting on Broadway.

Hours after the bombshell report emerged, Spacey, 58, took to Twitter and admitted for the first time that he is gay and issued an apology.

“I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor,” Spacey wrote. “I’m beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago.

“But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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