Roger Ebert Takes a 'Leave of Presence' Following Cancer Discovery

Roger Ebert Takes a 'Leave of Presence' Following Cancer Discovery Film critic Roger Ebert has announced that he will be taking a “leave of presence” following the discovery that what he thought was an injury is in fact the return of cancer.

In a moving entry on his online journal, the "At the Movies" star and respected writer, producer, and critic says that he will be cutting back on his usual work load, to focus on himself and his health.

“Typically, I write over 200 reviews a year for the Sun-Times that are carried by Universal Press Syndicate in some 200 newspapers. Last year, I wrote the most of my career, including 306 movie reviews, a blog post or two a week, and assorted other articles. I must slow down now, which is why I'm taking what I like to call ‘a leave of presence.””

He goes on to clarify:

“What in the world is a leave of presence? It means I am not going away. My intent is to continue to write selected reviews but to leave the rest to a talented team of writers handpicked and greatly admired by me. What's more, I'll be able at last to do what I've always fantasized about doing: reviewing only the movies I want to review…

“Of course, there will be some changes. The immediate reason for my "leave of presence" is my health. The ‘painful fracture’ that made it difficult for me to walk has recently been revealed to be a cancer. It is being treated with radiation, which has made it impossible for me to attend as many movies as I used to…

“At this point in my life, in addition to writing about movies, I may write about what it's like to cope with health challenges and the limitations they can force upon you. It really stinks that the cancer has returned and that I have spent too many days in the hospital. So on bad days I may write about the vulnerability that accompanies illness. On good days, I may wax ecstatic about a movie so good it transports me beyond illness…

“So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I'll see you At the Movies.”

Ebert also underwent cancer treatment in 2004.

Our best wishes go to Ebert, and we wish him much luck in his recovery.