Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to Preview 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn' Clip at Comic Con

What would you do to see a preview clip of the upcoming "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" presented to you by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?

Would you buy a $40 ticket? Push your way through a massive crowd of smelly convention-goers? Scale the walls of the San Diego Convention Center and climb through an air duct after all of the Comic Con tickets are sold out?

You might have to do that third one, because Pattinson and Stewart are set to preview a clip from "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con this July, but all Comic Con passes are already sold out.

Such is the curse of the superfan: when former niche interests become worldwide phenomena, little conventions like Comic Con become the media events of the year, with all kinds of panels and previews of upcoming movies.

Luckily, this is the age of the internet.

When something happens anywhere, it's hard to keep it under wraps: somebody always has a camera. Cell phones and cameras aren't technically allowed at these screenings, but you can bet that some Twihard out there will manage to record a glimpse of the exclusive clip. Plus, it's doubtful that the studio wants to keep it that secret: a leaked clip on the internet only fuels the buzz for the film.

This year's San Diego Comic Con runs from July 21st to 24th, so we still have a ways to go. In the meantime, get your Convention Center Infiltration Kit ready.