Rob Schneider Dropped From State Farm For Anti-Vaccine Views

Rob Schneider Dropped From State Farm For Anti-Vaccine Views Rob Schneider has officially been dropped as a spokesperson of insurance company State Farm, after backlash pressured for his removal.

Schneider, who reprised a role from his "Saturday Night Live" days to appear in the commercial for Discount Double Check, raised controversy from consumers due to his openly anti-vaccination stance.

Phil Supple, State Farm's director of public affairs, said that the ad "has unintentionally been used as a platform for dicussion unrelated to the products and services we provide... With that, we are working to remove the ad from our rotation at this time."

Schneider has not officially commented on the decision, but posted on his Twitter, "'If the Freedom of Speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter,' George Washington."

Critics have pointed out that Schneider, who has been openly anti-vaccine for years, claiming they cause Autism, injury, lasting health issues, and death, should probably not be representing State Farm, which also sells health insurance.

A video urging people to move to have Schneider removed as a spokesperson reminded viewers, "Nothing ensures public health more than getting vaccinated."

It drew attention to Schneider's past statements:

"Today California passed a law to force parents to get a Doc's permission to not vaccinate their kids or they can't attend school! Nazi's," he once wrote on Twitter.

In recent time, an anti-vaccine movement, lead by ill-informed celebrities like Jenny McCarthy who spread misinformation and fear, has lead to a resurgance of illnesses that had been largely erradicated by vaccines, such as measles, which has tripled in the U.S. since 2013, mumps, and even polio and whooping cough.