Rob Kardashian: My Sister Kim Is 'The B-tch From Gone Girl'

Rob Kardashian: My Sister Kim Is 'The B-tch From Gone Girl'

Is there some sibling rivalry going on in the Kardashian family?

Rob Kardashian, who has mostly stayed out of the public eye the past couple of years, took to Instagram to write some damning words about his sister, Kim Kardashian.

"This is my sister Kim, the bitch from Gone Girl..." Rob wrote, captioning a photo of Rosamund Pike from the movie.

Rob has a history of saying some strange things on social media: in the past, he's even hinted that he has an illegitimate son. However, he doesn't always say harsh things about his own sisters.

As such, we probably can't put too much stock in what Rob writes on Instagram, especially considering that it's not even 100% certain that it's his account.

But if it is him, what could it mean? Is he accusing Kim of manipulating those around her for personal gain, or for attention? Did Kim murder someone? Is Kanye okay?

As far as we know, Kanye is fine. But maybe keep an eye out anyway.