Is 'Rob & Chyna' Split a Publicity Stunt?

Is 'Rob & Chyna' Split a Publicity Stunt?

Over the weekend, Instagram was alight with fireworks between Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna. But was the social media feud real relationship discord or just a ploy to get viewers to tune into the couple's reality series, or both? Only the Kardashians know for sure.

The whole thing began with a series of Instagram posts from Blac Chyna's account showing text messages in which Chyna allegedly said nasty things about Rob Kardashian and claimed to have left him. Later, Chyna claimed that her account had been hacked and that the posts didn't come from her.

That was somewhat contradicted by Instagram posts from Kardashian, who claimed that Chyna had indeed left him and had taken the couple's baby with her. That led to a Chyna post on a different Instagram account in which she seemed to confirm having left and in which she said more nasty things about Kardashian.

Too big for a single social media platform, the war eventually spilled over to Snapchat. But the confusion continued.

On Sunday, Chyna's final word on the subject came from an Instagram post: "Everything would be explained after the show tonight." That last one backed up speculation that the whole thing was just a way to lure viewers to the reality series.

If you care about any of this, you can always tune in to Rob & Chyna, which was recently renewed for a second season on the E! cable network.