'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 7 Recap - 'Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?'

'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 7 Recap - 'Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?' Welcome back “Ringer” fans! This week “Ringer” was all about the first thread being pulled from Bridget’s tapestry of lies. It seems only a matter of time now before her whole story unravels and everyone learns the truth.

Still, there was some hope on the horizon. For one of the first times ever, I thought Bridget displayed some plotting prowess. When she called Siobhan’s cell phone as herself and claimed to be leaving forever it seemed like a fairly smart move.

And since “smart move” and “Bridget” are not generally two words that often end up in the same sentence, I applaud her effort. It’s nice to see the writers making Bridget a bit more believably intelligent while still allowing her overdramatic fainting spells, like an old timey southern belle.

The disappearance of Gemma is still on everyone’s minds, including the police. When they take Siobhan, Henry and Andrew in for questioning we’re in for a surprise. Henry and Andrew know of the existence of Bridget Kelly!

Since when, you may ask? Since the night before when Bridget-as-Siobhan downloaded them on how she has a druggie loser sister she just wanted to forget about. You can see the strain as Bridget spends the entire episode dumping on herself. There’s a difference between self-awareness and self-flagellation and poor Bridget is forced on the wrong side of it this week, continually talking about her terrible sister.

She planted the fingerprint on the broken vase last episode so that she could vaguely blame Gemma’s disappearance on Bridget-slash-herself. Then all it took was one phone call to Siobhan’s phone from her old phone and a frantic message about “messing up” and “taking off”.

Unfortunately Agent Mascara is suspicious of Siobhan and drops the emotional bomb of Malcolm’s disappearance. If you know Bridget, there is about a 50% chance you will disappear and an 80% chance you’ll be murdered.

Malcolm, however, is on the move. So this is what screentime feels like! He even gets a flashback in which we see Bridget and Malcolm hook up and then decide to keep their relationship strictly professional. Sarah Michelle Gellar kind of has a harem on this show and I approve. Malcolm manages to get from Wyoming to New York somehow all while beating up guys and changing out of his several-week-old bloody tank-top. As far as the getting things done race is concerned, Malcolm wins this episode by a mile.

After the Party Of The Episode (this time it’s Gemma’s art gallery opening) Bridget sees Malcolm in the crowd and dead faints like a cast member of "Dynasty". There are times when the show is delightfully soapy and then there are times when the show is hilariously soapy, but unfortunately I’m not always sure if the show is in on the laughs.

Meanwhile, the clock counts steadily down to the Juliet and Professor Jason Dohring coupling we all know is inevitable. This time Juliet goes to spend the weekend with a friend, only to end up at a crazy party where her friend gets obliterated. After Juliet gets in an accident for drunk driving, she calls her English teacher, like most normal teen girls. Nothing shady there. The hot student/hot teacher sex bomb is mere episodes from exploding.

Andrew, understandably weirded out that Juliet would call her English teacher before him, is also furious at Juliet. So furious that he does the worst thing you can possibly do to a spoiled rich girl. He cuts off her trust fund. She is the 99% now.

 Andrew is also mad at Siobhan for lying to him about Bridget. Andrew is mad a lot this episode.  Bridget and Andrew have a heart to heart about how everyone has secrets. Andrew admits that he also has secrets, terrible, horrible secrets. Bridget thinks this is sexy, instead of thinking that he maybe has his share of dead bodies in old Titanic trunks like I do. Now that Bridget is in the hospital about to get an ultrasound for her nonexistent baby, Andrew is going to have a lot more opportunities to make his sexy angry face.

They make out but then get interrupted by a call. Who’s it from? Only sponsor Charlie, the once-policeman Bridget has looking into Gemma’s disappearance. Only in a twist of fate that is the modus operandi of this show, it turns out that Charlie is actually the one responsible for Gemma’s disappearance.

We never see Gemma get murdered, although it is strongly implied. I’m still of the mind that committing to the Gemma murder would make the show a lot stronger and more unpredictable in the long run, although it would be a shame to lose a character that could have been great fun.

And who is Charlie working with? Well Siobhan of course, calling in murders from Paris like most people call for takeout.

What is Siobhan’s plan? What will happen when there’s no baby next week? Malcolm or Andrew, who will Bridget pick? And is Gemma really dead? Plus of course there’s the Juliet-Teacher hookup pool. Leave your theories in the comments!