'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 22 Recap - 'I'm the Good Twin'

'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 22 Recap - 'I'm the Good Twin'Ringer” went out with a bang (pun intended) as the season closed out tonight. The bigger question is did the series just end as well? The ratings for “Ringer” have never been very good, even for the admittedly low standards set by The CW. Unlike “Gossip Girl” and “The Vampire Diaries”, “Ringer” has enjoyed neither critical praise nor a devoted cult following. Besides love for the uber-talented Sarah Michelle Gellar in its corner, “Ringer” doesn’t have a lot fighting for a second season. So I go into this recap with a (somewhat) heavy heart, knowing that this is mostly likely the series finale as well.

So what happened? Let’s get to the body count first! Number one down? Malcolm. (Well, probably anyway.) An agent working with Pretty Eyes says they got an ID off a body that seems to fit Malcolm. Now, this is “Ringer” so if the show returns next season, don’t be surprised if Malcolm returns with half his face missing like Two Face from “The Dark Knight”. But for the moment I think we can consider him toast. He’s tied to the big chair in the sky now. We barely knew ye Malcolm.

Good thing Solomon is there to be Bridget’s supportive black guy best friend this episode and make sure she takes his gun. If not, Macawi would have definitely killed her. Macawi, of course, decides to go after Siobhan who he thinks is Bridget for some undisclosed reason? I don’t know, it wasn’t clear what with him constantly shoving giant knives into people. He does manage to get Siobhan, in the apartment stealing her jewelry back, and nearly kills her. She’s saved at the last minute by a gun-toting Bridget, who shoots Macawi.

Then, of course, she makes the rookie mistake of walking right up to him and basically putting her foot directly into his hand. “Please grab me, I’ve never seen a horror movie before,” she’s basically saying. So of course he starts strangling her. This is “Ringer” Bridget! People are never dead on this show the first time you shoot them! Or the eight! When Agent Pretty Eyes bursts onto the scene with backup, Bridget shoots Macawi right in the head this time. If I was her, I would have put another ten or so bullets in him, just to be safe. She asks Agent Machado if Juliet was ok and I groan because of course Bridget didn’t see Siobhan.

But the biggest death all episode, and by far the saddest, is Siobhan’s gigantic and hilarious glamour shot. Stabbed right in the giant face! We will miss you, huge symbol of narcissism. You were always my favorite. The picture got more screen time than half the main cast of “Ringer”.

At least most of the other plots that had been simmering all season finally came to a boil tonight. First, Henry finally grew a brain and realized, very belatedly, that Siobhan is a psycho. He did this with some paternity tests and stealing. The way he goes about convincing Siobhan to buy him a house in Chicago was so see-through I couldn’t believe she was actually falling for it. Henry is seriously the worst actor ever. How did he manage to hide an affair for a whole year? He was practically giggling when he mentioned that the house for them in Chicago was out of his price range.

After figuring out that the demon-baby twins aren’t his, he drops Siobhan like it’s hot. But not before stealing her money! Because if there’s one thing you can say about Henry, it’s that he’s pretty consistent about living off the money of the women he hooks up with. Now Siobhan has decided it’s time to get her old life back. There is no way that she could possibly live like a poor person, forever stuck in that one ugly Oreo coat after all.

Things aren’t going much better for Bridget either. She decides to tell Juliet and Andrew about her real identity, but chickens out after Andrew reads some gooey love poems. This gives Henry’s father-in-law the time to tell Andrew about Siobhan and Henry’s affair. So Bridget drops the real truth on Andrew. She loves him and never cheated on him…in the seven months she’s known him. That makes things better right? Andrew….does not take it very well.

Neither does Juliet, which seemed a little weirder to me. Listen I didn’t expect Juliet to be like “Hey awesome fake-stepmother! Let’s do mani-pedis!” But I didn’t get why she was as super betrayed as she was. Didn’t she and Siobhan straight up hate each other? At least Bridget was decent to her and stood by her through some messed up stuff. I totally understood Andrew’s level of betrayal but I was a bit flimsy on Juliet’s. If there is a next season of “Ringer” Bridget is really going to have to work hard to repair the damage to those relationships.

At episode’s end, Solomon shows Bridget a tape from surveillance footage starring Siobhan only four hours after she committed suicide. So now Bridget knows that Siobhan is alive and trying to kill her. I was honestly disappointed that we didn’t get to see the twins interact with each other at all. It seemed like all season, with its many fake-outs, was leading up to a twin on twin confrontation. I was really looking forward to seeing if the green screen was as bad as the infamous boating scene.

Listen, “Ringer” wasn’t a perfect show. It tried much too hard to be a good show early on, instead of realizing it was much better at being an overly dramatic camp fest. By the time it embraced its campy roots, “Revenge”-style, it might have been too late for some viewers.

Throughout the season, I have enjoyed many things about “Ringer”. Two off the top of my head? Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sarah Michelle Gellar. But I also enjoyed Agent Machado and his guyliner, when he bothered to show up and/or matter. I enjoyed watching people get shot multiple times and still live. I found the actress who played Juliet oddly likable, despite how horrible her character often was. The pill-popping evil ex-wife reveal last week was some pretty killer daytime soap opera levels of awesome. And of course, Trunky, always and forever will be my favorite.

What did you think of the season finale of “Ringer”? Do you think Andrew and Juliet will ever forgive Bridget? And are you hoping that “Ringer” comes back for a second season to find out if they do? Sound off in the comments!