'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 13 Recap - 'It's Easy to Cry When There's This Much Cash Involved'

'Ringer' Season 1, Episode 13 Recap - 'It's Easy to Cry When There's This Much Cash Involved' Can I just say wow? For once 'Ringer' both impressed and surprised me. I did not see the reveal with Juliet and Mr. Carpenter coming. This was easily one of the best episodes of the entire season, due in large part to how quickly the narrative began moving forward.

Certainly there have been times in the twelve short episodes that have aired so far this season that I’ve felt like the show was dragging its heels. That might seem preposterous in hindsight (they killed off a main character before they were even halfway through the first season!) but the whole concept of the show hinges on such a slow burn concept. That being, of course, that the key players never find out that Bridget is impersonating Siobhan. Just as important though is that Bridget doesn’t find out that Siobhan is still alive, tricking multiple people into being her baby daddy. So even when “Ringer” burns through plot it can sometimes feel stagnant.

This week “Ringer” was all about moving forward and throwing some major twists and turns along the way. Bridget followed the bread crumbs left behind by Siobhan and her trusty driver. Her driver totally believes her tale about how she’s recently sober and therefore can’t remember anything about her past actions or personality. He then proceeds to take her on a best of Siobhan’s evil scheme tour, bringing her first to an unnamed office. There Bridget picks up a key while Siobhan skulks around in her own closet, gun drawn, like a serial killer with fantastic hair. I don’t want to jinx it by typing this but I think the bangs might be gone for good.

Next up, Bridget visits the shooting gallery where she discovers the connection between Gemma-murdering John and Siobhan. This gets Bridget’s tiny brain to basically short-circuit itself as she realizes that John initially pretended not to know her.

Along the way she also stops by a hokey restaurant where you write your plot revelations on pieces of paper and then slip them into a table for eventual discovery. New York really does have every kind of restaurant. I don’t remember the name of the restaurant but I assume it was called Deux Ex Machina. In the compartment Bridget finds the note that Siobhan left saying that she had tried to forgive her sister but couldn’t. Forgive her for what? Well there was a picture of Siobhan hugging a little boy on the desk in her secret lair, so I’m guessing my theory that Bridget led somehow to the death of Siobhan’s son holds at least some water.

While Bridget is snooping, Siobhan is busy juggling Tyler and Henry. Henry has a lot of feelings about how she’s been playing with him, but then she’s like “shut up” and he does. It’s sort of fantastic. I wish Henry was just her minion who never asked questions and maybe he would wear that fetch little robe all the time because he was rocking it.

He probably should have consulted her first before he gave into Olivia’s blackmail and got poor murdered Gemma’s poor trusting father to invest in Andrew’s company though. Because those keys Siobhan steals back from Bridget open a box full of something very bad for Andrew. Something that will allow Siobhan to escape Andrew with all his precious money in tow. We don’t know what it is, because this is “Ringer” and they need a shock ending but Henry’s “OMG girl, are you serious?!” face says it’s pretty good.

But the most shocking twist of the episode was undoubtedly the turn in the Juliet storyline. Listen, do I wish “Ringer” had stayed away from a rape storyline? Yes, yes I really do. It’s “Ringer”, it is not even close to being able to delicately handle a storyline like that. To be fair, I should have realized what show I was watching and knew that “Ringer” would need to take this thing into hyper-soap territory. And did they ever!

As soon as I saw Juliet and Tessa rifling through the hotel mini-bar I said “Holy “Wild Things” Batman!” Which was the exact second that Mr. Carpenter came strolling through the door with liquor for the underage girls. I didn’t think you had it in you “Ringer” but you legitimately surprised me! I have to admit, I did not see that one coming. Not even when Mr. Carpenter counter-sued Andrew for defamation of character after Tessa’s teary confession that she faked her charges unraveled Juliet’s whole case. I don’t know if I should be applauding this but props for shock-value need to be given when they are earned. Bravo “Ringer”.

If “Ringer” would commit itself to these soapy machinations with the kind of bravado and liquor-swilling, mustache-twirling camp this episode diaplayed it would be a far more enjoyable show. Just look at “Revenge”. That show is a hit because after almost every scene you could imagine dramatic music going “dun dun DUNNN!” It revels in its soapy trappings, it doesn’t try to escape them or pretty them up. As “Ringer” continues its run, the show seems to realize that it works best when it steps away from being a hard-boiled mystery and dips its toe into campy melodrama.

Now Juliet, Tessa and Mr. Carpenter will have a threesome off screen in a swimming pool as newly minted millionaires. Meanwhile Siobhan has something that might bring Juliet’s plan crashing down if all Andrew’s money disappears. And Bridget is closer than ever to discovering that Siobhan is alive and well in the city that never sleeps. “Ringer” is finally giving into its soapy destiny and, in turn, giving us a reason to be excited to tune in next week.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Were you shocked by the Juliet “Wild Things” twist? Will she be found out? What does Siobhan have on Andrew’s company? And will Bridget ever figure out her sister’s not dead? Sound off in the comments!