Rick Ross and Young Jeezy Fight at BET Awards; Shots Fired

Rick Ross and Young Jeezy Fight at BET Awards; Shots Fired Put a bunch of rappers in the same room, and egos are bound to clash.

Things got out of hand at the BET Hip Hop Awards Saturday night as a major feud erupted between Rick Ross and Young Jeezy. According to reports (including a series of tweets from Funk Master Flex), Ross and Jeezy got in some kind of argument backstage that eventually came to blows.

Those who were backstage report that Young Jeezy and Rick Ross started arguing and shoving each other sometime during the show. The fight eventually moved to the parking lot outside, where witnesses report shots being fired.

However, police who arrived at the scene say that there were no shots fired. By their account, they showed up and broke up the fight, using some pepper spray to subdue both sides but making no arrests.

All of this brought the taping of the awards show to a halt while things were sorted out, but the show ended up resuming a bit later. By some accounts, Rick Ross actually went on stage and performed after the incident occurred.

The awards show airs on October 9, so things will probably be fairly heavily edited by then. Or, maybe BET will recognize an opportunity and show all the footage of the fight that they have.