Report: Jimmy Fallon Doesn't Talk Much On His Talk Show

Report: Jimmy Fallon Doesn't Talk Much On His Talk Show If you're one of the people who doesn't like Jimmy Fallon very much, here's some ammunition based in cold, hard facts: Jimmy just doesn't talk very much on his talk show.

This is according to a study performed by Stephen Winzenburg, communications professor at Grand View University. We know that the term "study" is being used fairly loosely here, but we're willing to overlook that.

Winzenburg compared the time each host of each major late-night talk show spent talking to guests, as he defined that interview segment as the actual "talk" part of these shows. We would agree that's a fair assessment.

By that definition, it turns out that Fallon talks the least of any host, spending just 37% of his show on the defined talk. Craig Ferguson comes in next at about 43%, Kimmel is at 48%, Letterman and Seth Meyers tie at 51%, and Conan O'Brien spends a surprising 53% of his show actually talking to guests.

Fallon spends 21% of the show on his monologue, which is the same amount of time that his predecessor, Jay Leno, spent. However, Fallon puts a lot more time into musical performances, sketches and other viral-video-esque bits, which cuts into the talk time.

Some might consider it a slight on the tradition of the talk show to cut into the talking to do yet another "History of Rap" with Justin Timberlake, but think about it: When was the last time you saw a plain ol' interview with a celebrity go viral? Chances are you saw one of Fallon's stunts much more recently.

Like maybe this one:

Or this one:

Or this one: