Remember That Little Girl Who Got Kicked Out of KFC? Yeah, That Was Probably a Hoax

Remember That Little Girl Who Got Kicked Out of KFC? Yeah, That Was Probably a Hoax A couple of weeks ago, a story went viral about a three-year-old girl with facial scars and an eye patch from a pit bull attack who was kicked out of a KFC restaurant because she was "scaring the customers." Heartbreaking, right? Rage-inducing, no?

Well, it turns out that it's probably all one big fat lie.

A report from a local newspaper in the area claims that the family may have been lying about the whole story; a claim that prompted KFC to launch a closer investigation into the issue.

Rumor has it that security footage shows that the little girl and her grandmother didn't even go into that KFC that day, nor did they go into any other KFC in the area. Moreover, their order of mashed potatoes and a sweet tea wasn't placed at that restaurant, neither as a separate order nor even as part of a larger order.

This is after KFC publicly apologized over the incident and pledged $30,000 to the family to help cover the girl's medical bills and plastic surgery. The family also raised an additional $135,000 through the crowdfunding site GoFundMe, largely fueled by outrage from people who had read the news story. Local doctors had even promised to treat the girl free of charge.

According to the lawyer of the girl's grandmother, the family wasn't going to take KFC's donation. However, the restaurant chain has promised to honor their $30,000 donation even if the story turns out to be false.

So, let this serve as a lesson: If you have a young daughter or granddaughter who has to live with a disfigured face, you can at least capitalize off of her misfortune at the expense of fast food companies and people who don't fact-check before throwing their money around.