Rebecca Black Now Home Schooled Because of Bullies

Rebecca Black Now Home Schooled Because of Bullies Here are the pros and cons of being Rebecca Black:

Pros: Huge fame, tens of thousands of dollars, appearances on television and the chance to mingle with stars, all thanks to one YouTube video.

Cons: People make fun of you.

It seems that the cons are actually starting to get to Black, as she has reportedly been pulled out of high school and will be home-schooled moving forward. "When I walk by they'll start singing 'Friday' in a really nasally voice," said Black about the bullies. "Or, you know, they'll be like, 'Oh hey, Rebecca, guess what day it is?'"

Ouch. That sounds really harsh. How ever can she deal with that kind of awful bullying?

To be fair, though her classmates seem to be pretty lame with their insults, the internet has been a bit unfairly cruel to Black. Calling her song "the worst song ever" is one thing (and honestly a fair opinion, as anyone who has listened to the song all the way through can tell you), but starting rumors that Black was pregnant at age 14 or attacking her personally is stepping over the line. Mock the song all you want, leave the 14-year-old who doesn't have anything better to sing about than car seating options alone.

The trade-off for Black's high school attendance is having her "hit" song performed by Katy Perry (with Black even joining for a duet) and by Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert, and making a cameo appearance in Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)."

Still, being constantly harassed at school can't be fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun SORRY I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!