'Reading Rainbow' Might Come Back, Thanks to Kickstarter

'Reading Rainbow' Might Come Back, Thanks to Kickstarter We'll wait a moment for you to sing the theme song. Go ahead.

"Reading Rainbow" might soon find its way back into children's lives, if creator and host LeVar Burton has anything to say about it. Burton is heading up a Kickstarter campaign in an attempt to revive the canceled educational show in a new form.

However, we're probably not going to see a new run of "Reading Rainbow" episodes on PBS, even if the Kickstarter campaign succeeds. Rather, Burton is trying to get the Reading Rainbow app into the hands of kids everywhere.

Most 80's kids remember the show well, but some might not know that "Reading Rainbow" actually continued on the air until 2006. After that point, PBS cut the show due to budget issues, and "Reading Rainbow" was reinvented as an app for tablets to continue to try to help kids learn to read.

The problem, though, is that not every child has access to an iPad, especially among the poorer families that may struggle with illiteracy. So Burton's Kickstarter campaign aims to created a web-based version of the app and bring a free version into schools for kids to use.

The price tag is $1 million, and the campaign is already halfway to its goal. With enough support, who knows? Maybe Burton could return to the air and we could all hear that theme song for a few more episodes.