Bill Cosby Chickens Out of Queen Latifah Interview After Rape Allegations Resurface

Bill Cosby Chickens Out of Queen Latifah Interview After Rape Allegations Resurface The professional repercussions for Bill Cosby have officially begun.

The veteran comedian and star of "The Cosby Show" was set to appear on "The Queen Latifah Show" for a chat, but it would appear that Cosby has chickened out.

"Mr. Cosby’s scheduled appearance on The Queen Latifah Show was postponed at his request and was in no way related to any of our recent or upcoming scheduled guests," a spokesperson for the show announced.

Cosby has recently been dealing with public backlash concerning allegations of sexual assault, with 13 different cases coming to light since the 1970's.

This isn't the first time the allegations have come up, but Cosby's PR reps have successfully buried the stories in the past and none of the women ever took the case to trial.

However, comedian Hannibal Burress brought the allegations back into the public consciousness when he performed a bit on stage during a stand-up set that reminded everyone that Cosby was accused of drugging and raping 13 different women.

It's interesting that it was the Cosby camp that chose to postpone the Latifah interview, as opposed to the Latifah camp wanting to distance themselves from the comedian.

With Cosby mounting a professional comeback and preparing a new NBC family sitcom, one has to wonder how rocky the road will be ahead of him in the age of social media.