Proof That 'Community' and 'Scrubs' Are the Same Show

Proof That 'Community' and 'Scrubs' Are the Same Show One is set in a hospital, while the other is set in a Community college. But other than that, it would appear that there aren't a lot of differences between "Scrubs" and "Community," at least as far as characters go.

This infographic from Cracked compares our heroes from both NBC sitcoms, and the similarities are striking. Some are a bit of a stretch (JD and Abed aren't really THAT alike), but all in all there are some curious parallels to be drawn.

It's only natural that there would be, too: Bill Lawrence, the creator of "Scrubs," also created "Cougartown," which has done some crossing over with "Community." Perhaps Lawrence and Dan Harmon are just two peas in a pod.

Now, if only "Community" could have one more similarity to "Scrubs": namely, the number of seasons that it ran on the air.

Check out Cracked's funny infographic below: