Priscilla Presley Wants Some Elvis on 'Glee'

Priscilla Presley Wants Some Elvis on 'Glee' It seems everyone has an opinion as to what music should be performed on "Glee." The show's own Amber Riley has said that she wants to do more Michael Jackson and some Janet, Sir Elton John has been expressing some serious interest in being on the show himself, and now Priscilla Presley has put in her two cents.

In an interview with "Entertainment Tonight," Presley said of the hit show: "I think it's great. They should be doing Elvis music on there one time... I think it would be great - why not?"

No one is surprised that Priscilla Presley, the seemingly ageless ex-wife of Elvis, would love to hear some Elvis hits on one of the biggest shows on television. "Glee" has a way of introducing classic music to an entirely new generation...after all, it got an army of Gleeks to listen to Journey.

What do you think, would Elvis work on the show? Maybe a rousing version of "Hound Dog" sung by Stamos before he leaves Emma? Perhaps Puck goes back to juvy and we get a fully-choreographed "Jailhouse Rock?" The possibilities are endless!