Prince William and Kate Middleton are Heading to Hollywood, Find Out When and Why!

Prince William and Kate Middleton are Heading to Hollywood, Find Out When and Why! The hottest globe-trotting newlyweds in the world are descending on Hollywood next month and we've got the dish on what they are doing while in town.

After a honeymoon in the Seychelles, which the couple said was "memorable," the duo are heading stateside for some schmoozing and a bit of charity work.

Before touching down at LAX the Royals will also spend some time with our neighbors in Canada where they will celebrate the country's national day in the capital city.

The three-day trip to the U.S. will be the first for Kate Middleton and their whirlwind agenda will surely give her a taste of life in America.

Here's the low-down on their schedule:

On July 8th, the couple will arrive and be received by the British Consulate-General for a reception at his private residence. Among the guests at the welcome luncheon there are sure to be high-profile politicians and other celebs. Later in the day, Will and Kate will meet with a group of entrepreneurs at a UKTI reception at the Beverly Hilton.

On the 9th, Prince William will play in a charity match at the Santa Barbara Polo Club that will support the American Friends of the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

During the short trip they will also attend a BAFTA dinner and visit the Inner-City Arts School. The Prince has always focused his charitable efforts on veterans of the Armed Forces, on at-risk youth and on the arts.

Hopefully their visit will be filled with top-notch American cuisine too. Rumor has it that the Prince would like his new bride to gain a few lbs. She whittled her waistline down to under 24 inches for the big day and hasn't put on a pound since.

We will be sure to keep you posted on the trip, with the help of the paparazzi of course!