Preview: More Than One Surprise On Tonight's 'The Bachelorette?'

Preview: More Than One Surprise On Tonight's 'The Bachelorette?' (WARNING: The following contains a semi-spoiler for tonight's episode of ABC's "The Bachelorette." If you don't want to know, click away now.)

It's about to get very messy, very fast.

Prague has its history of ugly chaos. How fitting that Emily Maynard's long and winding road to love on ABC's "The Bachelorette" meanders into an unexpected eruption tonight, according to contestant Jef Holm.

Jef Minus An F hints that tonight's outing boasts a "surprise" elimination by Maynard, following a string of episodes dotted by unusually frequent one-on-one date oustings and several contestants being shown the door unceremoniously. Whether or not we could peg who gets taken by the barn tonight depends on one's defiintion of "surprise."

It's a horrilbly kept "secret" that tonight, early favorite Arie Luyendyk Jr. faces a day of reckoning after the second-hand disclosure to Emily (i.e., Arie was ratted out) of his previous relationship with ABC producer Cassie Lambert. Knowing that Arie's been given the "warning shot" of being knocked into an episode's final two because he didn't tell her of Kalon's disparaging remarks about Maynard's daughter Ricki, is this the bullet with his name on it? Well, that's entirely possible. And that really wouldn't make it a "surprise."

Still, if Holm is but referring to Maynard being caught off guard - well, then it's certainly a hairpin bend in the road that won't be in her headlights until it's too late.

Holm further teased that it's not exactly an uneventful week on his front, either.

"As I got a date in London, my time for another date isn't really up but [we] do get to spend some time together," Holm said, according to People. "This is a huge pivotal moment in our relationship."

If you can't check out the episode tonight, then remember to check out the in-depth YIdio recap Tuesday morning.