Preview The Lead-Up To A Very Matrimonial 'Glee'

Preview The Lead-Up To A Very Matrimonial 'Glee' The waiting's over: cold feet or none, it's about time that Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) make a . . . well, more honest woman of his darling Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays).

It seems that could still go the other way around, though.

There's no ambiguity about this latest preview: when "Glee" returns Jan. 17 with the aptly titled "Yes/No," it's doing so with a turning point for Will and Emma's three-season, start-stop love affair and divorcee Will's sometimes equally unlucky love life.

But it appears there's another "big question" worth asking: who's knee is going to be bending?

Sure, logic dictates that its Will's move - and considering how his first marriage ended up, the New Directions kids don't exactly consider that an encouraging start. But it looks just as much like Emma may take the initiative.

Either way, it's a red-letter day for a relationship that once had Eric Goldman of IGN writing in Season One "Schue and Emma coming together was very hard not to feel good about."

Courage, Will. In the words of this promo, "We totally know you won't screw it up this time."