'Pretty Little Liars' Season 4, Episode 14: 'Who's in the Box?' Recap

'Pretty Little Liars'  Season 4, Episode 14: 'Who's in the Box?' Recap

The big mystery going into the second half of the fourth season of "PLL" is who, exactly, is in Alison's grave if it isn't Alison. In "Who's in the Box?," Hanna is on the case, and she thinks she has a good idea who it might be.

Finding out that Alison is alive was a shocker, but the revelation raises more questions. Someone is buried in Alison's grave, and Hanna thinks the identity of the grave's occupant could give some clues to the identity of the person who wanted Alison dead in the first place. Hanna suspects that the grave might be the final resting place of a girl who went missing about the same time that Alison was supposedly killed. She arranges a meeting with the missing teen's friends, only to find out that the circumstances surrounding her disappearance are unsettling similar to those surrounding Alison's faux death.

It would all seem like a frustrating dead end, except that Hanna reveals that she has Alison's diary—and there are some interesting tidbits in it.

Meanwhile, Ezra is acting subtly menacing/romantic toward Aria, Caleb comes back to Rosewood to break up with Hanna, and Spencer and Toby are on the trail of some secrets about Radley Sanitarium.