'Pretty Little Liars' Season 2, Episode 8 'Save the Date' Recap

'Pretty Little Liars' Season 2, Episode 8  'Save the Date' Recap We open on our little liars holding their twice-daily murder conspiracy check in and feelings circle in Spencer’s car late at night. Apparently she managed to skip out on her secret meeting with Officer Friendly unscathed but still shaken. Handily, Garrett shows up just as the girls are processing how and why he ended up with Jenna’s arts and crafts lantern.

Jenna is waiting in the window decked out in Ray Bans and her finest merry widow lingerie set. Inside much making out commences while the little liars stand open-mouthed in the street, silently losing their sh^&..

The next day Emily is doing her morning round of 5000 crunches while Hannah rolls her eyes and eats coco puffs. Things get super awkward when Hannah’s dad strolls in the kitchen, having obviously spent the night. The girls go through yesterday’s mail which includes a save the date notice from Dad’s fiancée. Yikes!

Speaking of fiancées, this week’s character of convenience is Melissa’s ex, Wren. He’s landed a residency at Rosewood Hospital just in time to help Spencer with her latest obsession, getting her hands of Allison’s autopsy report in order to find out if the hockey stick from her back yard could be the murder weapon. Spencer sketches around, muttering about the morgue and everyone just sort of rolls their eyes all “oh Spencer, you and your laser-like focus on death and conspiracy – sooooo cute!”

Lucky for Spencer, Emily, who has been ultra tense about her upcoming swim meet and its impact on her college scholarship lie, finally does enough sit ups to give herself an ulcer and collapses. While visiting her in the hospital, Spencer strong arms Aria into putting on matching candy striper outfits and breaking in to the morgue. They “borrow” Allison’s autopsy file and discover that the field hockey stick could really be the murder weapon. But even worse than that, it looks like Allison was buried alive. Last but not least, it seems that there is a page missing from the report.

Before the girls can properly go all Nancy Drew on this new information, Emily discovers that A has been poisoning her pain cream with HGH (human growth hormone). This is extra bad news because now that this info is in her hospital chart, her chances of continuing to swim competitively, fake scholarship offer or no, are in serious jeopardy. At this point Emily is ready to just give up and head to Texas with her parents.

Meanwhile in b-plot hijinks of note, Caleb is being followed by some mysterious adult. Since he’s the worst black market hacker ever, exchanging goods and counting his money in broad daylight, Hannah decides to intervene. She cleverly disguises herself as Isadora Duncan and whisks her boyfriend off to one of Spencer’s family’s many country houses. While hilarious, this does nothing to dissuade the mystery man from pursuing Caleb.

Next week, more stalking and harassment!  Plus, Aria and Jason make out!