'Pretty Little Liars' Season 2 Episode 10 'Touched by an A-ngel' Recap

'Pretty Little Liars' Season 2 Episode 10  'Touched by an A-ngel' Recap Aria confesses her kiss with Jason to Emily in the Rosewood High Cafeteria. Emily sees Aria's confession and raises her all the creepy stalker pictures of her the other little liars found in Jason's darkroom/shed of evil. To her credit Aria immediately confronts him, which he’s handily available for since he can’t stop lurking around the high school, shoulder-touching at-risk youth.

Jason gives her a metric ton of horsepucky about how Allison took the pictures and he was just developing them.  He even goes so far as to pout about how he was planning on framing one of them as a gift for her. Whatever. It’s still so gross. Aria thinks this constitutes as “really good explanation” and gives him the benefit of the doubt. Sigh.

It’s college fair day at the high school and attendance is optional. The other little liars take off on various capers but good girl Emily sticks around. She gets one of the best/most hilariously terrifying A-game messages we’ve seen on the show. Left alone in the cafeteria, Emily tries to eat a nutritious breakfast. As she lifts the first spoonful of whatever whole grain alphabet cereal she eats to her mouth, she notices something funny. She dumps out the box, and indeed her entire breakfast has been brought to her by the letter A along with a bitchy message about how she is obviously the weakest link in the group. Not even breakfast is safe from this anonymous bitch!

Spencer spends day the packing up Ian’s things in advance of her sister’s return. I can’t even be properly clever about the outfit she’s wearing here.  My notes just say Amish! Bonnie Tyler! Prairie-Flashdance! Boom! I squealed with delight every time she came on screen this episode. Anyways, she and Toby find a bunch of references in Ian’s ephemera to something called the N.A.T. Club. Jason and Officer Garrett were both members as well.

The full name of the club is Nos Animaverto Totus, which is Latin for “We See All” which can also be loosely translated as Entitled Rich Boy Video Rape Club.  This is a great development plot-wise but so very, very gross to contemplate. Like not only were these d-bags taping young girls without their consent, they were writing all about it in each other’s yearbooks and having t-shirts made. So now Spencer’s latest theory is that the terrible, omnipotent A is actually a group of people protecting each other rather than a single, twisted individual.

Speaking of violation, Emily’s day has not gotten any easier. Hannah’s mom gives her a massage gift certificate because the poor girl has been stress-grinding her teeth loud enough to keep the whole house awake. A sneaks in to the massage session and actually touches Emily, then sends a bitchy text about how easy it was to get his/her hand’s around Emily’s neck. In a show that is essentially all about trespassing and lack of privacy, this really takes the cake.

Last but not least, Hannah runs in to her future stepsister Kate while trying on bridesmaid dresses with Mona. Kate is ultra-posh, all vaguely British diction, pearls, and ponies. Things go wildly awry and Hannah ends up accidentally broadcasting her real feelings and anxieties about the wedding and her father’s new family over the country club loudspeaker. Don’t even worry about how that happened, just be horrified that it did. Despite Hannah’s sincere apologies, Kate calls her up later that evening and gives her the mean-girling of her life so far. She drops a bunch of metaphors about breaking horses and control and then bitchily welcomes Hannah to the family. Like our girl doesn’t have enough problems.

Next week it’s the summer finale and everybody ends up back in therapy