Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5 - Reality Bites recap

Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5 Season 1 Episode 5 - "Reality Bites"

"A" sends the girls a video of someone recording them from a closet where they all were gathered in a bedroom. It's beyond creepy at this point and now the girls begin to worry about their physical safety but there is still little they can do about the situation besides talk things over.

They also start getting more individual messages, some of which they keep secret from one another.

Toby and Emily become close as friends and he confides in her. She is unsure whether or not she can believe. The friendship makes Jenna nervous and very suspicious putting a kink in their communication.

Aria leaves her phone at her teacher's place one night and he gets a message from "A" which hints at the scandelous relationship they have going on. Assuming it's one of her girlfriends he ends the relationship with her the next day. She returns home to try to comfort her younger brother as he deals with the chaos in his home now that their parents are fighting about the affair.

Spencer meets a boy at the country club who she takes a liking to but her parents would never approve of. Hanna works at a medical office filing to pay off her debt for crashing her boyfriend's car.

A slower episode where less is set up but still worthwhile. The juicy stuff should come in the next episode when we get into the relationship between Jenna and her brother.