President Obama On Nicki Minaj's Romney Shout-Out

President Obama On Nicki Minaj's Romney Shout-Out Did Nicki Minaj endorse Mitt Romney in one of her raps?

With all the strange celebrity endorsements that have been flying around for this upcoming election, it would be hard to be surprised. But if you have a difficult time picturing the wild star voting conservative, then rest assured, that’s not quite what happened.

The “American Idol(rumored) judge does sing the line “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy b*tches is f*cking up the economy” on Lil Wayne’s album, Dedication 4.

But don’t take the crazy-haired, wide-eyed singer too seriously. If that’s ever been a concern.

Obama doesn’t, so be cool guys. Be cool. The President himself was asked about the quote during a radio appearance, and brushed aside concerns that the Minaj vote was going the way of Jenna Jameson.

“I think she had a song on there, a little rap that said that, but she likes to play different characters. So I don’t know what’s going on there.”

Minaj happily responded in the affirmative via Twitter, with “Ha! Thank you for understanding my creative humor & sarcasm Mr. President, the smart ones always do…*sends love & support* @BarackObama."

She also noted: “Awesome! Now I can tell my grandchildren that the 1st black President of the United States took the time to address a Nicki Minaj question.”

Minaj is one of many celebrities openly supporting Obama. Others include Scarlett Johansson, Zach Braff, Jared Leto, Don Cheadle, and Elizabeth Banks.

With the 12th season of “American Idol” gearing up to premiere, Minaj has also announced that she doesn’t know yet whether or not she will be appearing as a judge.