'Pitch Perfect' Trailer: 'Glee' the College Years?

'Pitch Perfect' Trailer: 'Glee' the College Years? What do you get when you take "Twilight" star Anna Kendrick, add a dash of "Glee," mix in some 90's pop music and set it all in front of a bludgeon-you-over-the-head battle of the sexes? Apparently, you get "Pitch Perfect."

The trailer is out for the upcoming musical comedy, which is receiving some buzz since it's pretty much "Glee: The Movie - The College Years." It even has a scene in which a character discovers that another character can sing in the shower, which is what happened in "Glee."

The plot is this: Anna Kendrick plays a new college student who is pulled onto the all-female a capella group, which takes part in an annual competition. Of course, they're total underdogs, but Kendrick is there to teach them some stuff about being edgy and unique.

Parts of the trailer are a bit confusing. Why does Kendick complain about none of the choir's songs being from this decade, then pull out Blackstreet's "No Diggity" in a big moment? That song's from the 90's, girl. Yeah, I'm not happy about it either.

Other bits are a little cringe-worthy. There's a pretty broad battle of the sexes going, with a clearly one-dimensional bad guy and some pretty lowered stakes. If we learned anything from "Glee," it's that talking about Regionals doesn't always cut it in terms of making your characters' goals big enough.

But the movie does have the talented Kendrick, who is an Oscar nominee, thank you very much. It also features the incredibly funny Rebel Wilson, whom you might remember as Kristen Wiig's weird roommate in "Bridesmaids." She looks to be a favorite to steal the show in this one.

Check out the trailer below. What do you think? Worth seeing, or just a movie knockoff of "Glee?"