Photographic Proof that 'Castle' Star Nathan Fillion is the Nicest Guy Ever

Photographic Proof that 'Castle' Star Nathan Fillion is the Nicest Guy Ever Let's face it: celebrities can do whatever they want. They're famous! They don't have to follow the same rules that we regular people do. Heck, they don't even have to be nice to people if they don't want to.

That's why, when the rare super-nice celebrity comes along, you can't help but feel a little warm and fuzzy inside. Take, for example, Nathan Fillion: he's a pretty successful guy, fairly famous, currently starring on a successful procedural show on ABC by the name of "Castle" and in possession of a big cult following from "Firefly." But over the weekend at Comic-Con, he proved that he might be the nicest, most thoughtful guy out there.

The proof: Fillion knew that he wouldn't be able to stop for a picture or a chat with every fan that he ran into at the event. So, rather than just blow everyone off, Fillion decided to print out and sign a bunch of cards that explained the situation and noted that he would personally vouch for anyone having met him at Comic-Con.

Check it out:

Pretty awesome, right? By the way, Fillion was at the event to appear on a reunion panel for "Firefly," during which Joss Whedon made him and pretty much everyone else cry.

In other Fillion-related news, The CW has decided to air Whedon's mini web series musical "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" this fall, which stars Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris and "Eureka" frequenter Felicia Day. So be sure to check that out, too.