Phillis Diller Dies

Phillis Diller Dies It is a sad day for the entertainment industry.

On the heels of losing director Tony Scott to suicide, word is coming in that comedy great Phyllis Diller has died in her Los Angeles home, where she had been in hospice care following a serious fall.

The throaty actress and comedienne was 95. She got her first break in 1955 in comedy, and continued to delight us until the end.

Her longtime agent Fred Wostbrocock spoke to EW of his client and friend:

“She was a true pioneer. She was the first lady of standup comedy. She paved the way for everybody. And she conquered television, movies, Broadway, record albums, nightclubs, books, and radio. She did it all. A true pioneer.”

Diller has done voice work all over the board, including shows like “Family Guy,” “Robot Chicken,” and “A Bug’s Life,” and even had her own hour, “The Phyllis Diller Show,” in the 60’s, where she delighted or shocked, but always entertained audiences.

She was especially known for her appearances on “The Laugh-In,” “The Tonight Show,” and “The Flip Wilson Show.”

Diller also wrote an autobiography, entitled Like a Lampshade in a Whorehouse. If you’re not familiar with her comedy style, that should give you some indication.

Diller was especially known for jokes about men, and for making fun of her own appearance, which you can experience by clicking on the video below for a sample of Diller’s stand up comedy.

“I found a money back guarantee on a beauty cream. Rushed down to the store. They took one look at me, paid me in advance.”

The world will be a little less funny without that crazy laugh of yours, Diller.