PETA May Back Kim Kardashian Flour-Bomber's Legal Defense

PETA May Back Kim Kardashian Flour-Bomber's Legal Defense While Kim Kardashian makes up her mind whether she'll sue pursue charges over a harmless little flour-bombing, a surprise ally has started circling its wagon-train of crazy around the celebri-twit's "attacker."

If the ubiquitous face of E!'s "Keeping Up with The Kardashians" got blasted with flour March 22 during a red-carpet interview at West Hollywood's London Hotel as she arrived at a launch party for her new True Reflection fragrance, E! News originally reported. She subsequently went from finding the whole thing harmless, to declaring she might pursue criminal charges just so that she could make an example of her assailant.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - the group that has occasionally landed with both feet on Kardashian for her fondness for fur - denied that they orchestrated the incident. E! News reports now that the attention-magnet group has released a statement claiming they've got the assailant's back if it hits the fan.

"We don't believe Kim would be so shortsighted as to go after this woman," the group claimed. "But if she does, we'll definitely look at how to maximize exposure to the cruel fur industry, and that could mean defending the activist if she wishes."

"Defending" could mean numerous things. It could mean simply numerous public gestures supporting the woman (in which, she should probably beg the group, "Stop helping.") It could mean footing her legal fees. It could mean waiting outside a courthouse on Kim's day in court, flour-bombs at the ready. Perhaps Kim has made too powerful an enemy this day.

It's also possible she's just made a crazy one.

"I said earlier, no, I wasn't [going to file a complaint]," Kim said Friday. "I am just going to think about it, because I don't want someone to think they can really get away with that. So we are going to handle that."