Paula Deen Under Fire Again for 'Brownface' Photo

Paula Deen Under Fire Again for 'Brownface' Photo

Just when you thought Paula Deen was making a comeback...

The Food Network star briefly posted a photo to her Twitter account today, showing her and her son Bobby dressed as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo from "I Love Lucy." Normally that wouldn't be cause for concern, except that Deen's son is wearing brown face makeup.

Deen quickly started getting criticism for "brownface" and deleted the photo, but not before the Internet had copied it and spread it like wildfire.

It's a baffling error on the part of Deen, whose career was nearly ended already due to racist activities in her family in the past, including a plantation-style dinner featuring African-American serving staff. Deen later admitted to using the N-word in the past, which further fueled the flames.

The photo was apparently taken back in 2011, and Deen (or her social media team) posted it today as a "Transformation Tuesday" post. The choice to post the photo now is especially terrible considering how tumultuous race relations have been in America over the past 12 months with Ferguson, Freddie Gray and the recent shooting in Charleston.

As of yet, Deen has not made any official comment on the photo. Her latest tweet, posted after the photo, publicizes her new cookbook.