Patton Oswalt Responds to Engagement Criticism

Patton Oswalt Responds to Engagement Criticism

Patton Oswalt has responded to those who criticized him for getting engaged to actress Meredith Salenger 15 months after the death of his wife, Michelle McNamara.

The Veep actor, 48, shared a blog, titled "A Widow's Rage Defense Against Patton Oswalt's Engagement," that was written by Erica Roman, who lost her husband three days before McNamara passed away. Roman congratulated Oswalt on his happy news and told "ignorant, judgement" trolls that they are not entitled to an opinion.

Oswalt called the article "amazing" and thanked Roman for her kind words. "I expected some bitter grub worms to weigh in (anonymously, always always always) with their much-needed opinions when I announced my engagement last week. I decided to ignore them," he wrote on Facebook. "But yeah, I felt this rage. And Erica articulated it better than I could have ever hoped. So there you go. Thank you, Erica."

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Patton Oswalt has also appeared in Parks and Recreation and Mystery Science Theater 3000.