'Partners' Season 1, Episode 5: '2 Broke Guys' Recap

'Partners'  Season 1, Episode 5: '2 Broke Guys' Recap Ali comes into Joe’s office, in glasses, which Joe doesn’t mind at all… until Louis comes in with the same pair, and wears them better. He got a pair for Wyatt too: insert “Superman” joke about being completely unrecognizable.

The two reveal that they are between jobs,  but Louis is certain they will get the Hendrickson account, even though he hasn’t committed yet. Ali, reading the paper, asks if the real estate developer building a community in New Jersey is Louis’ older brother. It turns out he is, but Louis claims he has no brother, because when he came out of the closet, his brother told him to go back in.

Joe goes to see Ali at her work later, and finds Wyatt building display cases for Ali, which he does on his days off from the hospital. He leaves, and Ali kisses him goodbye… on the mouth. Joe isn’t especially pleased by this exchange, but Ali tells him the “mwah” sound makes it ok. He insists there was no “mwah.”

Joe asks Louis later if he has an issue with Ali kissing Wyatt, but Louis is fine with it. The two are grabbing coffee, arguing about being frugal since they are in-between jobs but Louis insists they will get the Hendrickson deal. Their coffee tab is picked up by twins in nice suits, who turn out to be from their old company that they left to start on their own. It turns out they got the Hendrickson account.

Later, Joe and Louis blame each other. Louis wants Joe to go and ask for their old jobs back, and Joe says he won’t. He tells Louis is ask his brother for a job.

Back in Ali’s store, the heat is broken. Wyatt is fixing it, in a tank top and big muscles. Ali flips her hair and fans herself while Joe stares in horror at them both.

“Did you just fall off a calendar?”

Ali kisses him goodbye again, sure to add the “mwah,” but now she’s added hands to the face and that bugs Joe even more.

Louis runs into the twins at their business, surprising them when he tells them he’s there to ask the boss for his old job back. They let it spill that the reason Joe quit is because the company wanted to contract Joe but fire Louis.

Back at Ali’s store, Wyatt comes in and Ali tells him Joe thinks it’s weird they kiss on the mouth. She kisses him to prove she feels nothing. She tries again, longer. She does it one more time, and her arms go around his neck.

“You win,” she tells Joe. She asks Wyatt to leave, and takes Joe in the back.

Joe and RoRo have an interplay as Joe tries to learn where Louis went. It turns out he went to Scarsdale, where his brother Henry lives.

At Henry’s house, Louis is practicing his greeting on the porch when Joe comes up. Joe tells him not to do it, and Louis admits he knows why Joe left the company, but agrees finally that he doesn’t have a brother. Joe tells him that he does—him.

But it all turned out well because while the two were visiting Scarsdale, they actually picked up a job, they reveal as they’re getting drinks. Enter the twins, who were inspired to go out on their own … and by that they mean they got fired.

Ali leaves, kissing everyone goodbye, except Wyatt, who she fist bumps.