'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 7 Recap - 'The Treaty'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 7 Recap - 'The Treaty' Don't get me wrong, I'm a "Community" fan through and through. But both "Community" and now "Parks and Recreation" have done a Model United Nations episode this season, and "Parks and Rec" just got it totally right. Sorry "Community." You still have my heart, and major props for multiple timelines and other awesome things.

Leslie has her collection of all 193 national flags out, and that can mean only one thing: it's Model UN time. Pawnee high school's Model UN club is in trouble, and Leslie and Ben are there to help out.

The problem is, Ben and Leslie are having trouble being friends. It's not that they're having trouble getting along (at first, anyway), it just that, as Ben says, you can't pick and choose which pieces of a relationship you want.

So, while Andy trades all of Finland's resources for lions and April secretly takes South Africa to the moon, Ben (as Peru) cuts Leslie (as Denmark) out of a treaty to solve the food crisis. That angers Leslie to the point where she decides that Denmark will declare war on Peru, and basically everything goes downhill from there (but uphill in hilarity).

But you see, it's all a metaphor: Leslie and Ben are dealing with strained diplomatic relations that require a careful touch, and Ben is tired of "treading water" until Leslie is done with her "photo op," so to speak. So, in the end, they decide on a treaty: they'll have a fun conversation for five minutes every day.

In the middle of all this, Ron spends his day trying to get Tom to take his old job back, which Tom is too proud to do until Ron speedwalks his way over and strong-arms him into it. Chris is having relationship issues with Millicent, but doesn't do much to hold our attention. Jerry, on the other hand, is hilarious.

Notes and other awesome things:

-"The Moon accepts your ridiculous proposal."

-"I didn't really do Model UN in high school... oh wait, I super did!"

-Tremendously fun to see both Leslie and Ben nerd out over Model UN. Tremendously fun to see those two nerd out about anything really, especially each other.

-"It's fun. It's f--it is fun. It is fun. It is...it's fun."

-"Yeah, we have the freakin' moon! What're you gonna do without tides, Peru?"