'Parks and Recreation' 5 Things About 'Meet n Greet' That Made Me Happy Recap

'Parks and Recreation'  5 Things About 'Meet n Greet' That Made Me Happy Recap Halloween episodes are always great, but there was some extra-fun stuff on last night's episode of "Parks and Recreation." Here are the five things about "Meet 'n' Greet" that made me happier than Chris clearly was:

1. "Blood Orphans"

Andy and April host a Halloween party, and April is predictably dark about it. Sometimes on this show you see a scene that you just know the actors were enjoying thoroughly. The cold open to this episode is one of them. It looked like Aubrey Plaza could barely hold it together as she named creepy things that would be at the party (like "blood orphans") while Chris Pratt rattled off various treats and fun activities.

2. Ron and Ann

Ann made a concerted effort a few weeks back to get Ron to talk to her for more than two seconds, and it paid off. Now, lo and behold, we have a new friendship between two unlikely characters that is already very fun to watch. In this episode, Ron shows up to Andy and April's house to find various problems that need fixing (like the "death wire"), so he recruits Ann to help him. The joy that they get from that feeling of accomplishment when you fix something... it's better than crack. So is seeing Ron and Ann getting along.

3. Chris' Texting Skills

Chris' Sherlock Holmes outfit was fun and fitting for Captain Obvious, and the continued torture of Jerry had a few laughs in it. But Chris' best moment of the night was when he pulled out his phone and texted "Hi Jerry! :)" without looking at his phone even once. "I think it's rude not to maintain eye contact with people I'm talking to," explains Chris. Of course he does.

4. Andy's Wrestling Skills

Poor Ben is in desperate need of some real friends in Pawnee. As we saw during "Pawnee Rangers," he doesn't have much to keep him there now that Leslie is running for office. Plus, living with Andy and April can't be fun, especially when they throw a party without telling him about it. Ben acts as passive-agressive and non-confrontational as anyone has ever acted, but Andy wrestles him into submission (literally) as Chuck Liddel and ends up with a broken nose via Ben's elbow. It's all good though, and now Andy considers Ben his brother. Ben is a little hesitant. He'll come around.

5. Tom's Redemption

Tom has been slowly becoming more and more insufferable over the past few weeks, and today we learned why: Entertainment 7 Twenty is bankrupt. That explains the increasing desperation. It also explains why Tom, when hired by Leslie to help her host a meet and greet with small business owners in Pawnee to get them on her side, took the opportunity to plaster the place with his face and logo, and hijack the meeting for himself.

As Leslie put it, Tom was "being a real dick." But he's contrite later, and shows her a biographical video he made for her, which reminds us that Tom is actually a really nice guy. Aww.