5 Things About Last Night's 'Parks and Recreation' That Made Me Happy

5 Things About Last Night's 'Parks and Recreation' That Made Me Happy There was so much fun on last night's "Parks and Recreation," I'm not even going to try to cover it all. So here are five things about season 4, episode 4 "Pawnee Rangers" that made me happy:

1. Tom's entrances are getting bigger

With Tom fully immersing himself in Entertainment 7twenty, his entrances into the office are becoming increasingly ridiculous. So far it's just been silly outfits and different Tom catchphrases. This time, he actually had a dude with a boom box introduce him. As he entered a room. That's style. But when it's Treat Yourself Day, the day that Tom and Donna act selfish and treat themselves to whatever they want, your entrance has to be big.

2. New friends

Jerry finds himself a new friend. Kinda. See, when Chris meets Jerry's ridiculously hot daughter, Chris immediately accepts Jerry's invitation to have lunch with them. She and Chris hit it off ("It's like we're literally the same person!"), so now Chris is all buddy-buddy with Jerry. As much as one can be with Jerry, anyway.

3. Ben dressed as Batman

Ben is tremendously sad about the whole Leslie thing (and his free meatball sub card expired), so Tom and Donna take him out for Treat Yourself Day. Ben's one thing that he would love to blow money on is, of course, the most intricate rubber Batman suit you've ever seen. And the first thing he does when he gets in it is cry. Ben, as Batman, crying. There is literally nothing better.

4. Leslie to Ron's rescue

Leslie is always getting help from Ron, but the tables turned last night. Ron's boys-only Pawnee Rangers group caused Leslie to start her own girls-only Pawnee Goddesses group, which is totally better than Ron's group because they have s'mores-offs and puppy parties and pillow fights. And awards. So many awards.

When Ron's Rangers, jealous of the fun Goddess activities as they make shelters out of canvas sheets and eat lukewarm beans, decide they would rather be Goddesses instead and defect, Ron throws in the towel. "I don't understand them," Ron admits in reference to kids these days.

But Leslie puts a heartstring-pulling ad in the paper that calls exactly the right kind of kids that Ron is looking for into the office: kids whose idea of a good time is learning how to dig a proper trench. When Ron says "This will be no fun at all" with a smirk, you can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy.

5. Batman powercycling a router

Here's a little sample of what Ben would be like as a superhero: when the internet goes out for April and Andy, he comes out into the living room in full Batman attire, unplugs and replugs the router, and returns to his room with a swish of his cape. Heroic.