'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 22 Finale Recap - 'Win, Lose or Draw'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 22 It's the finale episode, which means of course that it's the day of the big vote. Will Leslie win the election, achieving her dream and allowing Chris to keep his job and not be totally miserable? Or will Bobby Newport sneak his way to a win, mostly likely dooming the city of Pawnee to complete failure?

The day that Leslie has always dreamed of quickly becomes even more stressful than it should be, when Ben brings her some surprising news: Jennifer has offered him a position on her next campaign planning run in DC, for a congressional race. That's huge for Ben, but both he and Leslie are hesistant to say yes, as they were just about to get their lives back after the race.

But there's little time to worry about that, as the results start coming in and the race is neck-and-neck between Leslie and Bobby. Ann does her best to distract Leslie (with some boxing, actually), and the two come to a decision about Ben: Leslie should let him know how she feels and ask him to stay. Ben, being Ben, agrees to turn down the job.

But as the results continue to pour in and Bobby wins by 21 votes, Leslie begins to reconsider. She and Ben ask for a recount, and while those votes are being tallied, Leslie comes to a new decision: Ben should take the job. She asked so much from him and the rest of the gang in all this, and as Ron tells her, "That's what you do when you care about someone. You support them."

Following the recount, it turns out (as sneakily announced by Ann) that Leslie actually won by 21 votes. She's thrilled, Bobby is relieved, and Leslie delivers a predictably killer victory speech. The episode closes out with a really great image of Leslie placing her photo on the wall of her predecessors, who are all men.

A bit of setup happens for next season, too: it looks like the Tom and Ann thing will still be happening on and off, and we learned that Andy's dream, unbeknownst to him, is to be a police officer. April offers a possibility to him: "Andy Dwyer, Pawnee P.D." That's a little terrifying, but maybe Andy will be surprisingly good at it. Maybe.

Notes & Quotes:

- "Hey, what's a good place to buy jeans?"

- "I picked the wrong week to do a juice cleanse."

- In regards to Leslie's concession speech: "I never wrote it." Awwwww.