'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 20 Recap - 'The Debate'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 20 Recap - 'The Debate' Two words: Paul Rudd.

Ever since Rudd showed up to play Leslie's campaign opponent Bobby Newport weeks ago, we've been dying to see the next appearance. At least I have. It was that good.

Rudd did not disappoint in his reprisal of the role, and for that matter neither did anyone else involved in this episode. From the quippy dialogue from the writers to the excellent performances to the solid timing put in place by the editors, this was a great episode top to bottom.

Chris Pratt had a great night as Andy, who was forced to re-enact scenes to his favorite movies (which included "Roadhouse," "First Blood" and "Babe") for a crowd of donors while the cable was out. The Ann/Tom saga continued as well, adding in Chris for extra flavor. By the end of the episode, it looks like we have a bona fide love triangle going.

But the main focus was on the debate, which could make or break Leslie's run for office. It should have been a slam dunk for Leslie, considering Bobby's general inability to understand what's going on around him. However, he keeps it simple and speaks candidly with the crowd, and starts winning them over by default.

Thankfully, Leslie recovers by the end and gives one heck of a closing statement, giving the Knope campaign a much-needed win.

We were also treated to a closer look at the rest of the candidates in the race for city council (yes, there are others), including an ardent gun rights supporter, an even more ardent animal rights activist, and an adult film star who looks a little too much like Leslie.

All in all, very solid tonight. Here's hoping we get a little more of Rudd going forward.

Notes & Quotes:

- "If I had to have anyone tell me that I have cancer, I'd want it to be me."

- "I care about Andy and Champion and I want Leslie to win and I like sleeping."

- "I have just heard those words come out of my mouth and I have made a decision."

- Leslie gets pumped up to "I Will Remember You."

- Pretty much every one-liner at the debate, including this gem from Bobby: "I guess my thoughts on abortion are... let's all have a good time."