'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 2 Recap - 'Ron & Tammys'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 2 Recap - 'Ron & Tammys' We learned a lot about Ron this week. More, I think, then we would have ever wanted to know.

We only got a little bit of Tammy 1, played by Patricia Clarkson, last week. This week, Tammy 1 was on an all-out offensive, laying an IRS audit on Ron and taking him away from Leslie's budget battle royale. She even got Ron wearing brightly-colored polo shirts, using phrases like "cool beans," and *gasp* SHAVING HIS MUSTACHE!

Why is it that every time a Tammy comes around, something horrible happens to Ron's mustache? I think we have a Samson and Delilah situation going on. Does Ron get mystical powers from his 'stache? I'm not saying no.

So it comes down to a drinking contest between Leslie, Tammy 1, and Ron's mother... who is also named Tammy. That means we get what might be my favorite thing in this show: drunk Leslie! And this time, since it's the Swanson family moonshine used to "burn the warts off the mules," it's really drunk Leslie.

Luckily, Ron saves himself by downing the entire bottle of moonshine, proving once and for all that Ron is awesome.

The other storylines were just supplemental to that one, but there was fun to be had in both of them. Rob Lowe's Chris Traeger was in rare form, acting even more energetic than he usually is (can you imagine?). And Ben's visit to Tom's Entertainment 7twenty offices to help him with some accounting work was a situation ripe for jokes that the writers did not waste one bit.

So it looks like Leslie's campaign will start later, as there was no mention of it this week. We also didn't see Ben and Leslie in the same room for the entire episode, so it remains to be seen how that whole mess works out. Also, did we see a bit of rekindled interest between Chris and Anne? Guess we'll find out later, when there isn't a diabetes PSA to shoot.