'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 15 Recap - 'Dave Returns'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 15 Recap - 'Dave Returns' First of all, can we all give a simultaneous "awww" for Louis C.K. and his character of Dave, who made it back on the show this week? One, two, three, "awwwww!"

Yes, while Leslie and Ben visited the police chief to get an endorsement (Ben, by the way, still isn't over his fear of cops), they ran into Dave, who is back in town from San Diego for the chief's retirement. Good news for Louis C.K. fans, too: Dave might be taking over as chief of police in Pawnee!

So Leslie, being the bad decision machine that she is, invites Dave to dinner with her and Ben, which results in everyone needing to talk to everyone privately, Dave admitting that he's still in love with Leslie, and Ben being handcuffed to a urinal. It's an eventful night. But by the end of it, Dave has backed off (but still manages to be adorable) and Ben gets over his fear of cops just enough to show the chief how much better Leslie's plan is for the department.

Meanwhile, Andy and the rest of the gang are recording Leslie's campaign song, which has something to do with dreams and wings. Unfortunately for Ron, they're recording in the same studio where he cuts his albums as jazz saxophonist Duke Silver, so he (with the help of April) have to constantly work to remove any Duke Silver paraphernalia from the premises.

Ultimately, it's Ron's musical prowess that saves the song, which is awesome.

While all of this is going on, though, Tom is trying desperately to get Ann to go on another date with him. And when I say desperately, I mean DESPERATELY. The word "boo" is used at least 20 times, I'd estimate. During the course of this courtship, everybody ends up learning about the Valentine's date, including Chris, who looks a little devastated and has to "adjust." So, is there a love triangle brewing? Will this finally be the thing that makes Ann relevant again?

Eventually, Tom "wore her down" enough to get another date out of Ann. So it looks like this little experiment in character mixing will be happening for a while. What happened to Lucy, by the way? I must have missed something.

Notes & Quotes:

- "9/11..." "Aaaaaand we're walking."

- Ben freaking out in the background of the shot in the car. Amazing.

- "When you two spoon, who spoons who?"

- "I said my thing first."

- "You look like I could use some company." (Louis C.K. was on fire tonight)

- Chris' version of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Also amazing.

- "And now I got the sniffles."