'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 1 Recap - 'I'm Leslie Knope'

'Parks and Recreation' Season 4, Episode 1 Recap - 'I'm Leslie Knope' "Parks & Recreation" is back, and while it would be difficult to pick up right where it left off (last season's finale, "Lil' Sebastian," was a masterpiece), the season four premiere reminds us why this show deserved its Emmy nominations this year, and makes a strong case for why it should have won.

First, there's the funny stuff. Ron desperately recovering his stowed-away emergency pack and fleeing from Tammy 1. April running the office in his absence, and working as Andy's manager. Andy having nothing better to do than throw Pepto against the wall. Us, learning that Jerry has the quite possibly the biggest penis on the face of the planet. It's the little moments in this show that make it just so damn good.

But it's the big ones that carry us through. Ann has her hands and inbox full after she diagnoses an employee to have the mumps after he emails a picture of his junk to the whole building, prompting every other man who works there to email penises to Ann for screening. As Chris puts it, "Your inbox is literally full of penises." And I die a little inside, knowing that it could be a long time before we hear Rob Lowe say something funnier than that.

The crux of the episode is Leslie's problem with Ben. As last season left off, Leslie's dream was finally coming true: she was going to run for office. But that meant that her relationship with Ben had to stop pronto. The thing is, we know how bad Leslie can be with decisiveness when it comes to Ben.

And so we watch her agonize over how to break up with the extra-adorable Ben, who even gets her an L-shaped eclair ("He got me an eclair, Ann!"). And our hearts melt when we see that he's known all along, and got her a "Knope 2012" button. And we tear up when he tries to make it easier on her by telling her, "You're boring and frankly you disgust me. Blech."

Admit it, you totally teared up.

But get ready, folks, for next week: Patricia Clarkson is here as Tammy 1, and Ron is back, mustache intact and at full power...but knowing his Libertarian views, that IRS audit is going to be trouble.

Also, was anyone else amazed at Ron's beard-growing abilities? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Ron Swanson could probably grow that sucker out in two days.