Is Paris Hilton Really Pregnant?

Paris Hilton Pregnant Please, please let’s all hope this is a rumor that is gaining steam about Paris Hilton. It would be nice to just brush it off and say she ate a few too many Christmas cookies, but since it’s doubtful she bakes…oh boy. In case you didn’t hear – or see the picture – Paris has a little bit of a pooch on her tummy that looks like a baby bump.

Did thunder strike where you sat? That’s right. Sources are claiming Paris might be pregnant.

How she has been laying low since the drug issues this summer – might not be forced because her parents told her too. It might be because she’s been sick and hiding away. Seriously? From The Superficial:

Okay, before anybody panics, let’s run down the list:

Idiot sperm donor? Check.
Non-impaired uterus?…. Pass.
Protruding stomach? Check.
Bigger boobs? Check.
Fatter ass? Check.
Belly rubbing thing pregnant chicks always do? Double check.
Horsemen of the apocalypse descending from the heavens? I saw a squirrel. Count it.

Could this really be true? Paris and Cy Waits having a baby?

I can see that Paris’ mom Kathy Hilton might be thrilled, because it would be her first grandbaby. But really, Paris? Nikky seems more responsible and mature enough to have a baby.

Do you think Paris has been hiding because of the baby – supposedly – or because her family told her too until she could clean up her act? Three drug “situations” in one summer is plenty of disgrace to bring to the family name!